Check out the write-up of the launch event here
And Audrey's thank you letter here
So, with those exciting developments, it's surprising that we've had time to make more changes around here, but we have!
Firstly, Steve introduced a moratorium on the purchasing of ANY new electrical equipment
Secondly (with this first point in mind) we purchased some hand shredders to replace our old electrical one. Hours of fun! We also need the shredded paper for our compost which is rather wet at the moment.
Thirdly, Tumble sorted out the lighting for the bike park area so it's on a sensor.
Fourthly (is that a word?) we got an additional water point on the mezzanine (so now we have 3) and made the decision to stop selling water from the cafe. All our water points are fitted with filters so now you can get a free glassful or buy one of the attractive, washable, re-usable castle-branded drink bottles to use at your leisure.